The Stupid-Ass Artists

Here's the artists page I've been promising.  This is to be more of a starting point, rather than a finished product.  I doubt that you care who either of us are, or what we do, but that's why this is here instead of on the main page!

aka "Bunny"
Primary artist.
Wim's niche is for making beautiful artwork, biting sarcasm, and really cute noises when she gets mad. ^.^  What she does is more or less make sketches for me to work off of.  As an employee of the US army, she is licensed to carry a firearm and live ammunition, and as such getting her mad is not recommended.


aka "Kitty"
Secondary artist, ink and color, site administrator.
Churusaa's primary function is as a cleanup artist for Wim, but he also enjoys making strips of his own, administering the website and formatting all the pages, cooking, and making a general nuisance of himself.  Currently self-employed, he makes his living doing computer repairs from his own small business; WOG PC Repairs.


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